Week 8

To start with, Ukraine can always be found in the top countries for software outsourcing. It is
because of a combination of competence and lower salaries compared to the US, which has the
biggest number of software engineers. And competence there is playing not the least role -
Ukraine’s ranking in Coding skills is #11, compared to other countries all over the globe.
However, in my opinion, because of the fact that most IT specialists work in outsourcing, they
lack the motivation to become the real professionals - outsourcing is just a factory, where
thousands of workers do routine work, and there is no need to invent something new or expand
your skills.
In my opinion, because of that, the definition of IT professionalist in Ukraine is a little bit offset
and is also behind more technological countries. I think the most crucial aspect of
professionalism here is motivation. There are a lot of good workers, but most of them chose this
career just because of money. However, those, who are really into the job they do, strive to
move on, learn new skills, and study new approaches. Just like surgeon #3, they are not only
good at what they do, but they are also willing to be on the same page with new technologies.
Soft skills and good leadership skills are also valued a lot.
However, the image differs a lot from the one 20 years ago. Back then, IT wasn’t developed in
Ukraine, and IT-professionals had to deal with more basic tasks, but without such useful tools
we have now. Such stability in development required particular level of knowledge, so people
could get work only with diploma.
To sum everything up, the image of IT Pro changed inthe same way the world did - from stable
and evident to flexible and constantly developing


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